2012年9月25日 星期二

Schematic drawing and PCB Layout

       In this new semester, I have taken the IERG3810 which calls The Microprocessor System Design Laboratory. This course is related to Microprocessor and Computer System. The purpose of this laboratory course is to equip students with practical skills in microcomputer system design. There are six experiments and one mini-project. And in the first week, I have finished the experiment 1.

       In the experiment 1, I have learnt how to use EDA tool drawing schematic diagram and printing the circuit board layout design, I use the OrCAD capture to draw the schematic diagram. Before generating the Netlist file (Used for PCB layout), I need to set up the correct components properties. For example, I need to modify the components’ footprint. Checking is the very important step because if you do wrong, you may need to redo the PCB layout. The schematic diagram and PCB layout are shown as below.

Schematic Diagram


PCB Layout

       After finishing this experiment, I have some reflections. Why do I need to place capacitors as close as to IC components. This is because they can reduce the noise and provide the smooth voltage to the IC components. This is a very meaningful practice that we can have a clear concept on doing real circuit design.